SATs Data

St George’s Catholic Primary School has consistently achieved well in their Year 2 and Year 6 SATs results over many years.  Before July 2023, the last published SATs took place in the summer of 2019 before the pandemic struck in March 2020.  Although SATs have taken place following the pandemic, the DfE did not publish SATs data as it could not be composed to previous attainment.

The DfE and schools are now publishing their SATS data from July 2023.  This information can be seen below.


% of children achieveing the expected standard or above compared to National and Sefton

Subject National Sefton St George's
Reading 73.0 73.8 73.3
Writing 71.0 70.8 60.0
GPS 73.0 73.2 73.3
Maths 79.0 73.3 83.3
Combined R, W, M 59.0 58.5 60.0

End of KS2 results in more detail

Subject % at or above EXPECTED


National Scaled Score St George's Scaled Score Average Point Score
Reading 73.3 33.3 105.0 107.2 0.68
Writing 60.0 10.0 n/a n/a -2.51
GPS 73.3 20.0 105.0 105.8 n/a
Maths 83.3 23.3 104.0 106.6 0.99




% of children achieveing the expected standard or above compared to National and Sefton

Subject National Sefton St George's
Reading 68.0 67.9 78.1
Writing 60.0 56.3 75.0
Maths 70.0 69.5 71.9
Combined R, W, M 56.0 52.6 71.9

End of KS1 results in more detail

  Reading Writing Maths
% Pre Key Stage 3 3 3
% Working Towards 19 22 25
% Expected or Above 78 75 72
% Greater Depth 22 3 19



Year 1 Phonics Test Results

National Percentage Passing St George's Percentage Passing
79 96



EYFS Results

National Percentage of GOOD LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT St George's Percentage of GOOD LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT
67 52



Please use the link below to take you to the DfE webpage to view our school's performance measures



To learn with kindness, respect
and friendship through God's love.

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To learn with kindness, respect
and friendship through God's love.View More

Contact Us

St George's Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Dennett Close, Maghull, Liverpool, L31 5PD

Lesley Jones | Bursar

0151 288 6630

[email protected]