Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Daly

Welcome to Year 1's Class Page

Class organisation

Key members of staff: Mrs Daly, Mrs Hill, Miss Heaton and Miss Fitton

Communication: our main route of communication will be via notification on the school app.

If you have any queries or concerns; we are always available to speak after school. Mornings are very busy but we will always make time to speak to you if it is urgent. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are worried about anything, we would much rather nip things in the bud or answer queries straight away to ensure that you and your child are happy in school.

If you are unable to contact us in person, it is recommended that you email our school office [email protected] and we will respond to you as quickly as we can.

Twitter account: @StGeorgesL31 – we will try to post pictures and updates on here regularly.

P.E. Days: Children will take part in P.E. lessons on Mondays and Yoga on Tuesdays. Children will be asked to come into school wearing their PE kits on both of these days. Please note that children should only wear trainers with laces if they are able to tie laces themselves. 

Daily Snack: The children will not need to bring money in for daily snack. Fruit will be provided for the children to eat each day at play time.

Cookie & Cake: We have a Cookie & Cake sale each Friday morning. This is to raise money for our school fund. All items are priced at 50p. Children can pay as you go each week or you can choose to pay for the whole half term. Please put money in an enclosed and named envelope.

Toilet breaks: Children are discouraged from going to the toilet during the teacher’s input but we would never stop them from going if they needed to. Feel free to send a bag with spare clothes in to stay on their peg if your child is prone to wetting, please reassure them that we will deal with accidents discreetly they just need to let us know ?

Labelling belongings: Please can you ensure that all of your child’s belongings are labelled with their name. 


Home Reading book: Reading books will be swapped on Thursdays.  It is extremely important that your child reads to you daily and it is vital that your child returns their book each Thursday morning. Home Reading books that are lost or damaged cost £6 to replace so please be very careful with our precious books! 

Reading for Pleasure book: Children will choose their own book from the Infant Library once a week. This is for you to read to your child and is meant to be shared and enjoyed at home.

Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds Online Homework: Usernames and passwords for Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds will be stuck into home reading records. Children should complete at least 1 lesson of Reading Eggs and at least 1 lesson of Maths Seeds at home each week. Maths Seeds is a brilliant feature of Reading Eggs which means the log ins for Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds are the same.

Spellings: In Year 1, spellings are taught in school as part of our daily phonics lesson and will therefore not be sent home for practise.

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Mrs Daly x


Logins and Links

Little Wandle ebook Library
Reading Eggs
Little Wandle - Phase 2 Flashcards for Home
Little Wandle - Phase 3 Flashcards for Home
Little Wandle - Phase 5 Flashcards for Home


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To learn with kindness, respect
and friendship through God's love.

Visionsand values

To learn with kindness, respect
and friendship through God's love.View More

Contact Us

St George's Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Dennett Close, Maghull, Liverpool, L31 5PD

Lesley Jones | Bursar

0151 288 6630

[email protected]